Admission Policies

In partnership with:


The College seeks to implement admissions criteria that are clear, fair, explicit and consistently applied. Applicants will only be admitted to a particular Course of study if they are deemed suitable in terms of prior academic attainment, work experience (where relevant), English language proficiency, and demonstration of a commitment to study.

No applicant will be admitted without an interview conducted by the relevant Head of Department. In the absence of the Head of Department, the Principal or Director of Admissons or another appropriate academic member of staff appointed by the Principal will carry out the interview. All applications are subject to final approval by the Principal or Director of Admissions.


This policy applies to all applications for HE courses received by the college. This includes the following awards at level 5 HND, Level 6 Top-Up and full Bachelor Degrees.

The college works with the following partner organisations

Access to Study

The College’s policy in relation to access to our Courses is that:

  • We aim to admit all applicants who we judge to have a reasonable expectation of completing the course and achieving the standards required for that academic award, including any end-point assessments, skills and behaviours
  • Applicants are considered on their own merit and potential, regardless of background
  • We welcome applications from motivated students with appropriate qualifications, whether traditional or non-traditional, academic or vocational
  • We comply with the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) deadlines
  • We reserve the right to refuse admission to any applicant whose application contains false or misleading information or whose personal statement contains a significant amount of non-original material
  • Courses will be available to everyone who is capable of reaching the required standards
  • Courses will be free from any barriers that restrict access and progression
  • There will be equal opportunities for all those wishing to access the Courses

Equality and Diversity

The College is committed to ensuring that its selection, admissions and enrolment procedures actively promote equality and fairness. The College does not discriminate either directly or indirectly against an applicant’s age, race, ethnic or national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, disability, or any other category where discrimination cannot be reasonably justified.

Applicants are encouraged to disclose a disability, specific learning difficulty or long-term health condition at the application stage to ensure the College is able to appropriately advise the applicant and make any necessary ‘reasonable adjustments’ prior to the applicant starting the Course.

Disclosing a disability, specific learning difficulty or long-term health condition will not impact on the academic decision about whether or not to make the applicant an offer. Applicants are only judged on their prior academic achievements, commitment to study and potential to meet the academic requirements of the Course i.e. learning outcomes and assessment criteria of their chosen Course.

Students with a protected characteristic (as defined by the Equality Act 2010) will not when they are applying for, or undertaking one of our qualifications, be disadvantaged in comparison to students who do not share that characteristic.

All students will achieve the recognition they deserve for undertaking a qualification at ICON College, and this achievement can be compared fairly to the achievement of their peers.

Entry Requirements

Course Entry Requirements

Our entry requirements are either specific grades achieved in nationally recognised qualifications, UCAS Tariff Points or evidence of appropriate equivalent skills and experience.

Equivalent skills and experience means skills or experience we have judged to demonstrate the same level of merit, ability and potential as the nationally recognised qualifications that are required for entry based on the core competencies of the course. We retain the right to use our own tests to determine that applicants have achieved the minimum attainment levels associated with recognised qualifications which they do not hold.

Details of entry requirements for each programme of study are provided on the college’s website:

In addition, we might require the applicants to attend an interview and/or complete an English Language test.

Applicants must usually be at least 18 years of age on admission to the college.


Level 5 HND Courses

To meet the entry criteria for admission to level five HND Courses: The applicant must have either:

  • a level 3 qualification
  • a level 2 qualifications and relevant work experience
  • or substantial work experience related to the field of proposed study and,
  • Demonstrate capability in English equivalent to CEFR level B2 e.g. IELTS 5.5 (including 5.5 for reading and writing), PTE 51 or equivalent and,
  • Demonstrate a Commitment to Study and a reasonable expectation of success on the Course

International qualifications at the appropriate level will also be accepted. The College will use ECCTIS (formerly UK NARIC) to determine the equivalence of any international qualifications.

Where applicants do not have a formal qualification to demonstrate capability in English, 

they will be required to undertake the Colleges written English Language test before an offer of a place on a Course is made. Judgement of their capability in spoken English will be assessed by the HoD or Senior Admissions tutor at the interview. Suitable alternative arrangements to written tests will be made where a student declares a disability, specific learning difficulty or long-term health condition on their application form, e.g. oral questioning, amanuensis etc.
Entry requirements are clearly presented in all promotional materials and activities.


BA(Hons) Business Studies with Foundation Year (Bishop Grosseteste University)

There is no formal requirement for UCAS point to join the foundation year.
To meet the entry criteria for admission, the applicant should have one of the followings:

  •  Minimum three GCSE or level 2 equivalent qualification


  •  Professional work experience supported by a CV with reference letter


  •  Demonstrate capability in English (normally GCSE English or equivalent is desirable)


  • Demonstrate a commitment to study and a reasonable expectation of success on the course

All Applicants will be interviewed by the ICON College Admission Tutor to assess their English and suitability for the Foundation Year. The Admission Tutor will assess the applicant’s skills in listening, speaking and writing.
International qualifications at the appropriate level will also be accepted. The College will use ECCTIS (formerly UK NARIC) to determine the equivalence of any international qualifications.

BA (Hons) Business Studies (Bishop Grosseteste University)

  • Applicants will normally need 96-112 UCAS tariff points (from a maximum of four Advanced Level qualifications) to join the BA (Hons) Business.  A range of qualifications may be used to meet this requirement, such as A/AS Levels, BTEC, Access Courses, International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge Pre-U, Extended Project etc.  This list is not exhaustive, and applicants should explore the range of qualifications in the UCAS tariff that they can use to apply.
  • Potential students in possession of alternative qualifications, transferable credits, or relevant experience will be invited to apply through the University’s RPL processes.

Students who have achieved the College’s HND in Business may articulate onto the Level 6 of the BA (Hons) Business Studies.

  • Applications from mature students are encouraged and the College recognises that their experience or qualifications are likely to be different. Candidates with other entry qualifications and experience are welcome.

For further information, please see the course specific Programme Specification for entry onto the course.

For students without the formal qualifications recognised in a., the applicant, including mature students, can apply directly to the College, and must have one of the following:

  • a Level 3 qualification
  • a Level 2 qualifications and relevant work experience
  • or substantial business-related work experience and,
  • Demonstrate capability in English (normally GCSE English or equivalent) and,
  • Demonstrate a Commitment to Study and a reasonable expectation of success on the Course

In addition, we might require the applicants to attend an interview with admission tutor and/or complete an English Language test.

All Health and Social Care applicants are required to provide valid Enhanced DBS check certificate with their application or prior to enrolment on the Course.

All HSC students are required to undertake a work placement as part of their BSc degree programme. Note that it is your responsibility to find a placement, though ICON College will support you.

BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care with Foundation Year (Bishop Grosseteste University)

There is no formal requirement for UCAS point to join the foundation year.
To meet the entry criteria for admission, the applicant should have one of the followings:

  •  Minimum three GCSE or level 2 equivalent qualification


  •  Professional work experience supported by a CV with reference letter


  •  Demonstrate capability in English (normally GCSE English or equivalent is desirable)


  • Demonstrate a commitment to study and a reasonable expectation of success on the course

All Applicants will be interviewed by the ICON College Admission Tutor to assess their English and suitability for the Foundation Year. The Admission Tutor will assess the applicant’s skills in listening, speaking and writing.
International qualifications at the appropriate level will also be accepted. The College will use ECCTIS (formerly UK NARIC) to determine the equivalence of any international qualifications.

All Health and Social Care applicants are required to provide valid Enhanced DBS check certificate with their application or prior to enrolment on the Course.

BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care (Bishop Grosseteste University)

  • Applicants will normally need 96-112 UCAS tariff points (from a maximum of four Advanced Level qualifications) to join the BA (Hons) Business.  A range of qualifications may be used to meet this requirement, such as A/AS Levels, BTEC, Access Courses, International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge Pre-U, Extended Project etc.  This list is not exhaustive, and applicants should explore the range of qualifications in the UCAS tariff that they can use to apply.
  • Potential students in possession of alternative qualifications, transferable credits, or relevant experience will be invited to apply through the University’s RPL processes.

Students who have achieved the College’s HND in Business may articulate onto the Level 6 of the BA (Hons) Business Studies.

  • Applications from mature students are encouraged and the College recognises that their experience or qualifications are likely to be different. Candidates with other entry qualifications and experience are welcome.

For further information, please see the course specific Programme Specification for entry onto the course.

For students without the formal qualifications recognised in a., the applicant, including mature students, can apply directly to the College, and must have one of the following:

  • a Level 3 qualification
  • a Level 2 qualifications and relevant work experience
  • or substantial business-related work experience and,
  • Demonstrate capability in English (normally GCSE English or equivalent) and,
  • Demonstrate a Commitment to Study and a reasonable expectation of success on the Course

In addition, we might require the applicants to attend an interview with admission tutor and/or complete an English Language test.

All Health and Social Care applicants are required to provide valid Enhanced DBS check certificate with their application or prior to enrolment on the Course.

All Health and Social Care students are required to undertake a work placement as part of their BSc degree programme. Note that it is your responsibility to find a placement, though ICON College will support you.

English Language Requirements

Applicants must provide evidence that their ability to read, write, speak and comprehend spoken English is at the equivalent to CEFR level B2 allowing them to succeed in their studies. ICON College accepts the following English language tests:

  • GCSE English grade C/4
  • IELTS 5.5 (including 5.5 for reading and writing)
  • PTE 51

Where applicants do not have a formal qualification to demonstrate capability in English, they will be required to undertake the College's written English Language test before an offer of a place on a course is made. Judgement of their capability in spoken English will be assessed by the Admission Tutors at interview. Suitable alternative arrangements to written tests will be made where a student declares a disability, specific learning difficulty or long-term health condition on their application form, e.g, oral questioning, amanuensis, etc.


Application Process

The application process is set out in a flowchart that is distributed to all staff responsible for admissions and administration. The flowchart is available from the admissions team.

For most of our undergraduate courses, application via UCAS is required. Direct application via the ICON College website is required for some of our courses.

Where UCAS is used as an application system, ICON College complies with UCAS’ guidance and deadlines.

A student’s application will be processed by the Admissions Section who will: create a student file and ensure all the required documents are obtained from the applicant as listed on the ‘Students Document Checklist Form’, and pass to the relevant Head of Department or Senior Admissions tutor for review. The ‘Students Document Checklist Form’ is available from the admissions team.

The Head of Department, Senior Admissions tutor or Admissions department will assess the applicant and determine if an interview is required. The interview will assess the applicant’s academic suitability for the Course, advise about the obligations that are placed on students in terms of engagement with studies and the assessment workload, and make a judgement as to the applicants ‘commitment to study’.

Where an applicant declares a disability on the College Application Form, the Admissions Section will advise the Student Career and Welfare Officer, who will send the applicant a Disability Access Application letter and form, which must be completed before the application is further progressed, and before the applicant is interviewed by the Head of Department or Senior Admissions tutor. The Student Career and Welfare Officer will provide advice and guidance to the applicant on access arrangements for disabled students, and any other reasonable adjustments measures available, to ensure students who are facing challenges through disability can attend their classes, and where appropriate, apply for additional funding from external organisations such as the SLC.

The Head of Department or Senior Admissions tutor must also ensure that the applicant that has declared a disability is fully informed of any units within the Course for which the applicant’s specific disability
would prevent full achievement of the assessment criterion. Where it is identified that a student will not be able to complete the full assessment criterion for the Course, consideration may be given to the applicant completing an alternative unit, subject to this being permitted by the Pearson Course specification. Note: If a student  cannot complete a mandatory unit, and therefore cannot be awarded the qualification, they will be advised accordingly, and may apply for an alternative Course, subject to the normal application requirements for that Course.

The Head of Department or Senior Admissions tutor interviewing the applicant will approve the admission/enrolment and sign the ‘Interview Form’ to be retained in the student’s file.

All documents relating to the student’s application including the English Language test and record of Interview will be kept in the student’s file.

If an applicant supplies any false, inaccurate or misleading information in applying for a Course of study, the College reserves the right to cancel an application and/or withdraw any offer of a place.

All applications will be subject to a procedural error check by the Principal or Director of Admissions. Finally, as a quality check, Principal / Vice- Principals sample the admissions folder to ensure the quality of the admission/enrolment procedure has been carried out effectively.

Courses that list with UCAS, and that have late vacancies after the main application period has passed, will advertise any vacancies using the UCAS Clearing process.


Deferred Entry

Applications for deferred entry will be considered at the point of application. Applicants must normally meet all of the academic requirements in the year of application. Applicants holding an offer may request to defer their entry and ICON college will normally only agree to defer entry for the next available intake.


Assessment and Selection

Assessment and selection of applications are carried out in line with all relevant regulatory and legislative requirements, including equal opportunities, data protection and consumer protection legislation.

Following a successful review and/or interview, the applicant will be offered a place on the course, if they have met all the prescribed entry criteria.

Applicants who are offered a place will be sent an offer letter via UCAS or email. If the offer is conditional, the conditions for enrolment will be clearly detailed. All applicants will be informed at interview and in writing of the arrangements for enrolment and induction.

All students who are offered a place will have the reasons for this offer recorded on their file. If an applicant is not offered a place they will normally be informed of this decision, with reasons, following the interview. If the decision to not offer a student a place is taken post-interview then the student will be contacted and informed of the reasons for the same. A record of the reasons for refusal will be recorded on the student’s file. 

Once the application is submitted on the UCAS portal, the applicant’s information will be reviewed and a decision will be issued subject to assessment and if required an interview. Once the applicant has gone through an interview process and has been successful, then the offer will be issued on UCAS.


Applicants requiring a visa to study in the UK

Where applicants require a visa to study in the UK, their application will be assessed in line with Home Office immigration policy in force at the time. ICON College are unable to issue certificates of acceptance for studies to applicants requiring a Student Visa route.


Right to withdraw
Applicants have a legal right to withdraw from an offer they have accepted within 14 days of acceptance of the offer. We will, however, consider cancellation requests once this cancellation period has elapsed, where possible. A request to withdraw from acceptance of offer must be made in writing to the Admissions Office. 



Following the making of an offer, the student will only be fully enrolled as a student of the College if the following original documents are provided for verification (with a copy of the relevant document being held on the student’s file):

Students will formally enroll on the first day of attendance on a Course. They will be required to complete an enrolment form which will confirm details of their name, contact details.

In the case of a UK or EU self-financing student, that student will not be fully enrolled until the College receives either the full first-year fees or an instalment agreement is signed setting out a fee schedule for payment.

Once enrolled, a student will be registered with the relevant awarding organisation within onemonth of the date of enrolment.

If a student is not fully enrolled, they may be given ‘conditional enrolment status’, subject to fulfilling the outstanding criterion/criteria for being fully enrolled.

When conditionally enrolled, a student will have time-limited access to all student services including the issuing of an ID Card and will be permitted to attend all classes.

A student will not be permitted to hold conditional enrolment for more than one term, except in exceptional circumstances granted at the sole discretion of the Director of Admissions.

If the student fails to satisfy the outstanding criterion/criteria for full enrolment after the one term maximum period has expired, a student will be deregistered from the College and will forfeit access to student services and attendance at classes.

Advice on Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning may be of value to the applicants who have not had their prior learning formally recognised and may enable them to gain all or part of a qualification without undertaking the formal learning of the Course.

Therefore, an applicant may wish to discuss his/her prior learning with the Head of Department at the application stage, in order to clarify the evidence requirements and assessment procedures to be followed and to have their evidence evaluated against the stipulated learning outcomes and assessment criteria from the qualification or unit being claimed.

It should be noted that RPL is not concerned with allowing for exceptional entry to, or exemption from, the Course of study.

Furthermore, the RPL process does not allow the recognition of any unit or qualification assessed by external assessment only i.e. exam-based qualifications, because it is not possible to assess the achievement in exams against the stipulated learning outcomes and assessment criteria.

Some courses require achievement of certain units before the study of others. Therefore, this must be considered during the RPL process.

Applicants wishing to present evidence for RPL must follow the requirements as set out in the Colleges Recognition of Prior Learning procedures, which form part of the Colleges Assessment Procedures.

Agent Selection and Recruitment Procedures

The College has developed strong relationships with a number of selected recruitment agents. These agents help applicants by providing initial advice and guidance on the College, its courses and their entry requirements, and introduce applicants to the College.

Agents do not have an input into the decision of whether or not the College makes an offer of a place on a Course. This decision remains solely with ICON College of Technology and Management.

The College will seek the assistance of Agents in following up on students with low attendance or other critical matters where appropriate and expects an Agent’s full co-operation with regards to this.

The Director of Admissions is responsible for the selection, recruitment and contracting of Agents involved in student recruitment on behalf of the College, and will maintain a list of approved agents together with copies of contracts issued.

No agent will be engaged to recruit students on behalf of the College unless all of the following conditions are met:

  • The agent is operating as a registered company or as a sole trader
  • No employee or contractor engaged in another capacity can act as a recruitment agent for the College
  • The agent has shown the College, and the College has taken certified copies of, documents pertaining to incorporation and/or any other relevant evidence, including an HMRC Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number
  • The signatory of the agent, who must be a named director or sole trader, must provide the College with the original of his/her passport and a copy must be taken of the same
  • The College must ensure that all Home Office requirements as to the prevention of illegal working are complied with, including, where necessary, verifying that the agent’s signatory is working in accordance with any conditions attached to his/her visa
  • The agent must provide a reference that satisfies the College
  • The agent must provide the College with all other forms of evidence that it is entitled to reasonably request to check the legal status and the good standing of the agent
  • The agent must agree to be interviewed by representatives of the College so the College can check the legal status and good standing of the agent
  • The agent, through their authorized signatory, must enter into an agency contract with the College. The contract will be a standard form contract supplied by the Director of Admissions to prospective agents and it will detail, inter alia, duration of term, notice of termination, and rates of commission
  • The agent, through their authorized signatory, must sign a declaration stating, inter alia, that no employee or other contractor engaged by the College is working either directly or indirectly on their behalf.

Agents are not permitted to conduct their recruitment activities on college premises at any time, they must use their own premises for this purpose. Where there is a particular need for an Agent to meet with an applicant or enrolled student on College premises, written 

approval must be sought from the Director of Admissions prior to each meeting.

The College will undertake a review and evaluation of contracted agents annually. The review will be overseen by the Director of Admissions and carried out by an experienced professional. The purpose of the review will be to ensure that the contracted Agents support the college in recruiting with integrity i.e. applicants introduced will have a reasonable prospect of completing the course and achieving the qualification they are applying for. The outcomes of these reviews will be discussed with Agents and will be considered by the Director of Admissions when re-contracting Agents. The DoA will report the outcomes of these reviews to the AcB.

Where an applicant or student is dissatisfied with an Agent in relation to the information they provide about ICON College or its courses, they should in the first instance, raise the matter with the Agent. If they receive no response, or are dissatisfied with the response, they may lodge a complaint with the College. The complaint will be dealt with under the Colleges complaints procedure, available from the College reception, and a response will be given in writing within the timescales given in that policy.

Confirmation of Student Registration and Attendance with the Student Loan Company (SLC)

All reporting to the SLC will be undertaken by the Director of Admissions

Confirmation of Registration will normally be undertaken in conjunction with the first Confirmation of Attendance to the SLC each year.

The following procedure will be carried out to confirm registration and attendance with the SLC:

1.  Lists of students are exported from ICTM, and used to create Excel files, based upon banding of attendance percentage at any given liability point. A review of student attendance and, therefore, potential confirmation of attendance to the SLC is not undertaken until at least two full teaching weeks have been completed from the given liability point.

2.  The bandings mentioned in one (above) are differentiated in the following manner:

  •   80%-100% attendance - attendance is in accordance with ICON minimum attendance requirements, therefore, attendance is confirmed with the SLC without communication to the relevant students;
  •   65%-79% attendance - attendance is below ICON minimum attendance requirements, but not significantly so, therefore, attendance is confirmed with the SLC and relevant students are sent a warning letter stating that their attendance must improve by the end of the given semester;
  •   40%-65% attendance - attendance is significantly below ICON minimum attendance requirements, therefore, whilst attendance will be confirmed with the SLC, relevant students are sent a strongly worded warning letter stating that their attendance must improve by the end of the given semester and they must submit all of their assignments for that semester on time. They are informed that if either of these conditions is not met then they may face suspension from the College and that the SLC will be informed of the same in accordance with College policy; and
  •   Attendance 39% or below – attendance is NOT confirmed with the SLC. Relevant students are sent a letter informing them that they must contact the College by a certain date to explain their non/poor attendance or they will be deregistered from the College and that the SLC will be informed of the same in accordance with College policy.

3.  No list of students will have their attendance confirmed with the SLC unless, and until, that list has been checked by at least one Administrative Officer to ensure that the attendance percentage for each student is accurately recorded. Once checked, the list will be signed and dated by the relevant Administrative Officer(s). Once confirmation with the SLC has taken place the Director of Admissions will sign, date and retain the relevant list.

4.  Hardcopies and soft copies of all lists are retained by the Director of Admissions.

5.  The College Management System (ICTM) is updated to indicate the date on which a student’s attendance confirmation was provided to the SLC.

6.  On receipt of fees for the students on the lists above, the College will reconcile all payments to ensure that they match the correct fee liability. If the College receives either an overpayment for one of its students, or any payment for a student who is not registered at the College (defined as ‘Beneficiary Not Identified’), the Director of Admissions will send an ‘electronic task’ informing the SLC of the incorrect payment so it can be refunded. Similarly, if there is an underpayment of fees then the Director of Admissions will send a task in the same way. The College accounts section will maintain a list of all ‘Beneficiary Not Identified’ and periodically advise the Director of Admissions to contact the SLC where the SLC has not actioned the ‘electronic task’.

Admissions: Complaints and Appeals

The College will provide feedback to any unsuccessful applicants upon receiving a written request addressed to the Director of Admissions via email ( or post to the Director of Admissions, ICON College of Technology and Management, Unit 21-22, 1-13 Adler Street, London E1 1EG. The College will normally respond to such requests within 14 days of receipt.

The College reserves the right to not make an offer of a place on a Course to an applicant who does not meet the entry requirements for the Course of study for which the application is made.

An applicant may only appeal against a decision not to offer a place on the grounds of the College having not considered, or applied correctly, the evidence provided by the applicant relating to the entry requirements of the Course applied for. Only evidence provided as part of the initial application process will be considered during an appeal. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Director of Admissions, ICON College of Technology and Management, Unit 21- 22, 1-13 Adler Street, London E1 1EG and must be received by the College within 14 days of the student receiving a decision to not offer a place. The Director of Admissions will consult with members of the Appeal panel consisting of members of SMT and an independent HoD (if any of the members of the Appeal panel are involved in an interview they would not contribute to the decision of the appeal) and advise the applicant of the outcome within 14 days of receipt of the appeal.

Where an applicant is dissatisfied with the processing of their application, for example, a procedural error, irregularity or maladministration, and has evidence to support this, they may lodge a complaint. The complaint will be dealt with under the Colleges complaints procedure, available from the College reception, and a response given in writing within the timescales given in that policy.

Student Induction

During their first week at the College, students will receive a Course of introduction to the College, their chosen Course of study, and information to support their study. This will be led by Principal/Vice-Principal and the relevant HoD/Programme Manager and include input from other relevant academic and support staff.

The Induction Course will include:

  • About ICON College
  • Introduction to Relevant Academic and Administrative Staff
  • Awarding organisation Bishop Grosseteste University University or Pearson
  • Progression opportunities after HN (Careers, employability and further study)
  • Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) UK Quality Code of Higher Education
  • Course programme overview
  • Assessment, Internal verification/External Examiner
  • Assessment Board
  • College policies on Prevent Duty, Equal Opportunity, Health and Safety
  • Student engagement and student membership of different Committees
  • What does being a Student Representative mean at ICON?
  • Course Syllabus (Course structure) and Course schedules
  • Progression and Assignment Submission
  • IT skills development
  • Administrative and IT support
  • Disability Support Services
  • Student Counselling, Career and Welfare services
  • Extracurricular support services
  • Submission of outstanding documents for final enrolment
  • Administrative procedures
  • Attendance requirement as per College attendance policy and Attendance Records
  • Change of Courses
  • Study Skills
  • How to use ICON VLE
  • Student Survey: DLHE, NSS, Pearson BTEC Higher National Annual Student Survey
  • Student Handbook
  • A tour of College (Library, Canteen, IT Labs, Fire Exit and Fire Assembly point)


A review of this policy and procedures will be carried out annually by the AcB to ensure compliance with awarding organisation quality standards; that the College is acting in the best interests of applicants; that the College is processing applications in the most efficient manner; and that processes are meeting the strategic aims and objectives of the College.


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