Department of Health and Social Care
BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care with Foundation Year
The Foundation Year is an articulated, structured programme of access to Higher Education. It will provide a solid basis for future undergraduate study at ICON College. It is not a stand-alone qualification, but is designed to underpin specific degree programmes to which it is directly attached.
The Foundation Year offers an introductory grounding in what it means to be a university student. It will equip learners with the intellectual and interpersonal skills for effective undergraduate study. It provides a unique opportunity to develop core academic skills. In addition, students will begin to develop an impressive portfolio of transferable skills for employability in a range of careers.
Students will benefit from intensive teaching and bespoke pastoral care which will help them to get the most out of the programme and settle into college life.
This course is designed for students who do not have the usual academic qualifications or UCAS points for registration directly onto a degree course at ICON College. On successful completion of the Foundation Year, students progress directly to the BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care with Foundation Year at ICON College.
BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care
In recent years, the context of health and social care delivery has been a constant talking point across public and political agenda, and was a key feature in the manifestos of all political parties in the recent UK election due to the concerns that systems are overwhelmed by unprecedented demand (Oliver, et al, 2014). The UK population of over 75’s is projected to more than double in size in the next 20 years, with over 22% of our population already over 65.
All sectors within health and social care provision require both high quality initial education and training alongside sustained and consistent updates (i.e. Continuous Professional Development (CPD)) both informally and formally, through creditable programmes of learning and education.
This BSc provides an entry point into a number of career paths in the Health and Social Care sectors. It is designed to allow students to pursue and apply knowledge and understanding of health and social care following a systematic approach to evidence based practice. Applied research is embedded throughout, supported by objective observation and critical analysis.
It is considered that consistent and high-quality education and learning challenges the status quo within practice and encourages reflection on and in practice, which inspires practice confidence and service enhancement and improvement.
The degree includes opportunities to carry out research in work placements, while studying, so supporting post graduate career opportunities. It provides an opportunity to bolster CVs and build networks in practice.
This flexible, learner-centred programme will provide opportunities for those working within, or looking for a career, in Health and Social Care to not only critically reflect on and evaluate their own practice and that of others, but also to enable a critical review of the strategic position of provision, thus ensuring this is contextually ‘fit for purpose’ and sustainable for future delivery demands.
QAA Benchmark Statement(s)
The programme has been written to correspond closely with the:
- UK Quality Code for Higher Education (QAA 2018)
- Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (FHEQ)
- specific reference to benchmark statements for Education Studies (2015)
specific reference to relevant Bishop Grosseteste University codes of practice and guidance on programme specifications
Programme Aim
The Foundation Year aims to contribute to widening participation and lifelong learning by encouraging participation by learners who may not previously have considered studying for a higher level qualification, or those who, for a variety of circumstances, are unable to immediately satisfy typical entry criteria for undergraduate degrees.
The programme aims to prepare learners for Level 4 undergraduate study at Bishop Grosseteste University. It will:
- Provide learners with knowledge and understanding of basic academic communication and problem solving skills
- Develop learners as critical thinkers utilising enquiry, investigation and evidence-based analysis within interdisciplinary contexts
- Support learners to become self-directed learners in preparation for undergraduate study
- Enable learners to develop a range of transferable skills as a foundation for employment.
The Foundation Year provides an extended and intensive induction to Higher Education (HE) that feeds directly into learners’ learning across the Foundation Year and beyond into their full degree programme. The Foundation Year is a direct articulation into existing and future undergraduate, non-QTS degree courses. Successful completion of this programme is required in order to follow the articulated degree programmes at Bishop Grosseteste University.
A number of degree programmes at Bishop Grosseteste University will benefit from the articulated Foundation Year, which will raise the number of appropriately prepared learners. It aims to reduce the level of additional academic support that might otherwise be necessary for some learners.
Programme Specific Outcomes
Final Award Learning Outcomes
Students successfully completing the Foundation Year will be able to:
K&U 1: Demonstrate foundational knowledge of the fundamental concepts, principles and techniques which underpin future study at Level 4 and higher.
SPS 1: Demonstrate emerging ability to construct and evidence critical arguments as part of academic development.
SPS 2: Develop and provide evidence of application of core academic study skills such as time management, study methods, research, interpreting evidence, academic writing, presentation skills and digital tools for learning.
IS 1: Demonstrate a basic understanding of different approaches to problem solving that underpin future study at Level 4 and higher.
TS 1: Be able to work independently and collaboratively as part of a wider team and communicate effectively
TS 2: To begin to demonstrate reflective evaluation and responsibility for their own learning and personal development.
Programme-based learning outcomes are necessarily generic to support the development of key study skills applicable across all potential undergraduate programmes of further study at Bishop Grosseteste University.
The Bishop Grosseteste University Graduate Attribute framework identifies further outcomes learners should acquire. These reflect a collective understanding of the essential skills of a Bishop Grosseteste University graduate. Those completing this one year programme will therefore be further equipped with attributes suitable for a range of careers and lifelong learning.
These programme outcomes combine to provide a strong foundation for learners’ future study and employability
PGCE or Exit Award Learning Outcomes
There is no premature exit award for this one year, non-award bearing programme.
QAA Benchmark Statement(s)
The Programme outcomes for the BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care are aligned with QAA level descriptors for levels 4-6 Undergraduate Degrees (QAA 2014) and QAA benchmarks for
Undergraduate Degrees (QAA 2016) for social work and health studies (Updated November 2019)
Programme Aim
The Programme has been designed to support a flexible, learner-centred approach focusing on the application of theory into practice. Students will learn how to use evidence in a systematic way in order to establish general rules or conclusions from facts or examples in the field of Health and Social Care. They are expected to concentrate their academic energies on mastering the technical and practical facets of the field which is facilitated by the framework within this programme. This therefore aligns with students’ personal, professional and practice development needs for a career in Health and Social Care and beyond into the growing area of Graduate entry provision, such as Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Nursing.
Through its teaching, the Programme aims to produce high-calibre graduates who are ethical, autonomous, reflexive, and possess inquiring, analytical minds, which will support and drive practice quality and enhancement. The Programme will support students’ post-graduate prospects, by adding quality to care and will promote their continued study at Master’s level and beyond.
Overall Programme Aims:
At the end of the Programme Graduates will be able to:
- Demonstrate systematic breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues within Health and Social Care practice, considering professional and academic challenges, global perspectives and relevant ethical and values-based issues.
- Exercise incisive critical analysis of relevant contextual issues whilst exploring the relationships between theory and practice in an everchanging Health and Social Care landscape.
- Construct arguments and rationales in support of the development and enhancement of high-quality provision for those utilising health and social provision.
Critically evaluate and apply a critical understanding of local, national and international policies and perspectives considering the implications for Health and Social Care practice and provision.
Programme Specific Outcomes
Final Award Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care, students will be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
KU1 Demonstrate detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of the theory and practice of Health and Social Care from a local, national and international perspective.
KU2 Expound a critical understanding of the relationship between theory and practice in the subject of Health and Social Care.
KU3 Acquire a critical awareness of the diversity and global context of Health and Social Care practice.
Subject Professional Skills (SPS)
SPS1 Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the complex nature of assessment and intervention, informed by evidence-based knowledge.
SPS2 Illustrate a critical awareness of values-based decision-making, inherent within reflective practice.
SPS3 Demonstrate a detailed and systematic breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of contemporary social policy and practice issues.
SPS4 Show a critical appreciation of the complexity of working effectively within a MultiDisciplinary Team (MDT), with an appreciation of the challenges of leadership in a professional context.
Intellectual Skills (IS)
IS1 Critically reflect on one's own views, perspectives, practice and experience using rational argument and evidence-based principles in order to develop professionally.
IS2 Consider creative, innovative and/or original responses to presenting problems and issues in relation to the principles of professional practice within Health and Social Care.
IS3 Demonstrate the promotion of partnership working through skilled, proficient team interprofessional and multi-agency collaboration and communication, whilst recognizing and evaluating sector challenges.
Transferable Skills (TS)
TS1 Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively using appropriate methods (including Information and Communications Technology (ICT)), to a range of audiences with different levels of knowledge and expertise.
TS2 Demonstrate a critical awareness of professional autonomy, accountability, regulation, legal and ethical issues, and in relation to working collaboratively within the sector of Health and Social Care.
TS3 Demonstrate the ability to make and effectively communicate decisions, and be able to function confidently as a member of the wider Health and Social Care team.
TS4 Demonstrate through critical reflection one's own views, perspectives, practice and experience using rational argument and evidence-based principles, in order to develop professionally.
Exit Award Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes – Higher Education Certificate Health and Social Care
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
KU1 Demonstrate detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of the theory and practice of Health and Social Care from a local, national and international perspective.
KU3 Acquire an awareness of the diversity and global context of Health and Social Care practice.
Subject Professional Skills (SPS)
SPS1 Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the complex nature of assessment and intervention, informed by evidence-based knowledge.
SPS2 Illustrate a critical awareness of values-based decision-making, inherent within reflective practice.
SPS4 Show a critical appreciation of the complexity of working effectively within a MultiDisciplinary Team (MDT), with an appreciation of the challenges of leadership in a professional context.
Intellectual skills (IS)
IS1 Critically reflect on one's own views, perspectives, practice and experience using rational argument and evidence-based principles, in order to develop professionally.
Transferable skills (TS)
TS1 Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively using appropriate methods (including Information and Communications Technology (ICT)), to a range of audiences with different levels of knowledge and expertise.
TS3 Demonstrate the ability to make and effectively communicate decisions and be able to function confidently as a member of the wider Health and Social Care team.
Learning Outcomes – Higher Education Diploma Health and Social Care
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
KU1 Demonstrate detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of the theory and practice of Health and Social Care from a local, national and international perspective.
KU2 Expound a critical understanding of the relationship between theory and practice in the subject of Health and Social Care.
KU3 Acquire an awareness of the diversity and global context of Health and Social Care practice.
Subject Professional Skills (SPS)
SPS1 Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the complex nature of assessment and intervention, informed by evidence-based knowledge.
SPS2 Illustrate a critical awareness of values-based decision-making, inherent in reflective practice
SPS3 Demonstrate a detailed and systematic breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of contemporary social policy and practice issues.
SPS4 Show a critical appreciation of the complexity of working effectively within a MultiDisciplinary Team (MDT), with an appreciation of the challenges of leadership in a professional context.
Intellectual skills (IS)
IS1 Critically reflect on one's own views, perspectives, practice and experience using rational argument and evidence-based principles, in order to develop professionally.
IS2 Consider creative, innovative and/or original responses to presenting problems and issues in relation to the principles to professional practice within Health and Social Care.
Transferable skills (TS)
TS1 Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively using appropriate methods (including Information and Communications Technology (ICT)), to a range of audiences with different levels of knowledge and expertise.
TS2 Demonstrate a critical awareness of professional autonomy, accountability, regulation, legal and ethical issues, and in relation to working collaboratively within the sector of Health and Social Care.
TS3 Demonstrate the ability to make and effectively communicate decisions and be able to function confidently as a member of the wider Health and Social Care team.
Module Structure
Core Modules |
Code |
Status |
Module Title |
Period (number) |
No of credits |
FDY001 |
Self As Learner |
1 (Autumn) |
N/A |
FDY002 |
Resourcing Learning |
1 (Autumn) |
N/A |
FDY003 |
Critical Engagement |
1 (Autumn) |
N/A |
FDY004 |
Critical Thinking |
1 (Autumn) |
N/A |
FDY005 |
The Digital Learner |
2 (Spring) |
N/A |
FDY006 |
Effective Communication |
2 (Spring) |
N/A |
FDY007 |
Reflective Learning |
2 (Spring) |
N/A |
FDY008 |
Academic Writing |
2 (Spring) |
N/A |
Level 4
Core Modules • Period Codes – 1 (Autumn) – 2 (Spring) – 3 (Summer – MA ONLY) – 4 – Full Year |
Code |
Status |
Module Title |
Period |
Credits |
HSC40120 |
Compulsory |
Foundations in Health and Social Care |
1 or 2 |
30 |
HSC40220 |
Compulsory |
Society and Self across the Life Span |
1 or 2 |
30 |
HSC40320 |
Compulsory |
Contemporary Perspectives and Practice in Health and Social Care |
1 or 2 |
30 |
HSC40420 |
Compulsory |
Introduction to Evidence Informed Practice and Decision Making |
1 or 2 |
30 |
Level 5
Core Modules • Period Codes – 1 (Autumn) – 2 (Spring) – 3 (Summer – MA ONLY) – 4 – Full Year |
Code |
Status |
Module Title |
Period |
Credits |
HSC50120 |
Compulsory |
Values Based Practice in Health and Social Care: The Law, Ethics and the Individual |
1 or 2 |
30 |
HSC50220 |
Compulsory |
Health, Wellbeing and Society: A Global Perspective Locally |
1 or 2 |
30 |
HSC50320 |
Compulsory |
Research Skills for Practice |
1 or 2 |
30 |
HSC50420 |
Compulsory |
Collaborative Practice in Health and Social Care |
1 or 2 |
30 |
Level 6
Core Modules • Period Codes – 1 (Autumn) – 2 (Spring) – 3 (Summer – MA ONLY) – 4 – Full Year |
Code |
Status |
Module Title |
Period |
Credits |
HSC60120 |
Compulsory |
Individuality and Diversity: Meeting Everyone’s Needs |
1 or 2 |
30 |
HSC60220 |
Compulsory |
Advanced Research Skills |
1 or 2 |
15 |
HSC60320 |
Compulsory |
Leading Health and Social Care |
1 or 2 |
30 |
HSC60420 |
Compulsory |
Dissertation |
4 |
30 |
HSC60520 |
Compulsory |
Using Research in Practice |
1 or 2 |
15 |
KU1 Demonstrate detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of the theory and practice of Health and Social Care from a local, national and international perspective.
Year One
Sem One |
Sem Two |
HSC40120 Foundations in Health and Social Care (30 credits) |
HSC40320 Contemporary Perspectives and Practice in Health and Social Care (30 credits) |
HSC40220 Society and Self across the Life Span (30 credits) |
HSC40420 Introduction to Evidence Informed Practice and Decision Making (30 credits) |
Year Two
Sem One |
Sem Two |
HSC50120 Values Based Practice in Health and Social Care: The Law, Ethics and the Individual (30 credits) |
HSC50320 Research Skills for Practice (30 credits) |
HSC50220 Health, Wellbeing and Society: A Global Perspective Locally (30 credits) |
HSC50420 Collaborative Practice in Health and Social Care (30 credits) |
Year Three
Sem One |
Sem Two |
HSC60120 Individuality and Diversity: Meeting Everyone’s Needs (30 credits) |
HSC60320 Leading Health and Social Care (30 credits) |
HSC60220 Advanced Research Skills (15 credits) |
HSC60520 Using Research in Practice (15 credits) |
HSC60420 Dissertation (30 Credits) |
Curriculum Design
The Bishop Grosseteste University Foundation Year programme is in line with national practice and resembles Foundation Year programmes successfully offered by a number of UK higher education institutions to provide supportive access into higher education (HE). The Bishop Grosseteste University Foundation Year aims to contribute to widening participation and lifelong learning by encouraging participation by learners who may not previously have considered studying for a higher level qualification.
The Bishop Grosseteste University Foundation Year is therefore designed to support a wide range of learners from different backgrounds and with non-standard academic qualifications to enter HE. The programme provides an opportunity for learners to study at the University who are unable to evidence the usual level of entry qualifications / UCAS points required for entry to degree programmes at Bishop Grosseteste University.
The Bishop Grosseteste University Foundation Year programme is a complimentary internal programme of study to enable access to degree study at Bishop Grosseteste University. The Foundation Year programme is therefore designed to provide a common core of academic and generic study skills sufficient to build confidence and self-discipline to prepare learners for subsequent study and academic success at undergraduate level.
The Foundation Year programme is a pass-fail programme and is therefore non-award bearing. There are 8 modules, equally distributed between two semesters. Modules are studied over a 7 week period and are paired so that learners engage with two aligned, yet separate, modules each week. The pairing of modules, enables accumulative development of skills through a generic approach in which all learning is connected and builds incrementally throughout the year. It is anticipated that typically learners will attend face-to-face sessions for 6 hours weekly.
The programme has been designed to be delivered and assessed at Level 4 equivalence within the QAA FHEQ. This level indicates the intellectual demand and rigour of academic study required to successfully complete each module and provide a taster of the demands of degree level study.
A key design feature of the Foundation Year, has been the commitment to providing a programme which is suitable for a potentially diverse mix of learners. In recognition of the diversity of learner experiences and needs, this programme has been designed to balance the current needs of learners with the future demands that studying at degree level will place on them. The purpose of the programme is not to fully mirror a full undergraduate degree programme but to provide a foundational experience and, moderately and gradually, build confidence and capability of the learners. As such, the indicative hours of study are less than might normally be expected on a full degree programme but the delivery is condensed and intensely delivered per week. This delivery pattern is proved to best support the needs of learners on Foundation Year programme, who typically have other life-commitments outside university.
Learning and teaching approaches utilise a blended approach of face-to-face, directed, online and independent study. A key feature of delivery are the ‘learner-led, tutor-facilitated’ group tutorials. These take place weekly and encourage individual learners to re-engage with education, to ‘deconstruct’ what might have been previous, less than positive, engagements with education. The tutorials encourage learners to ‘reconstruct’ and to take personal responsibility and ownership of their learning during the Foundation Year and beyond. Peer support and dialogic approaches form a strong element of this process.
The Foundation Year programme offers incremental steps to foster a thirst for, and enjoyment of, learning and a gradual acculturation into university life. This approach will help ensure that individuals who successfully complete the Foundation Year programme are effective, successful undergraduate learners who reach their own potential within the next stages of their learner journey at full degree programme level.
Learners on the Foundation Year build a set of knowledge, skills and attributes associated with university study which they will be able to directly transfer into their degrees. The generic nature of the modules aims to ensure that learners are equipped with the necessary study skills, and written and verbal communication abilities to succeed, as well as gaining independence and confidence to progress. To avoid duplication of content at a later date, learners do not formally study their chosen degree subject during the Foundation Year. However, learners will have the opportunity to attend taster sessions and may select topics for study that allow them to explore their personal interests and prepare for their future studies.
Throughout the Foundation Year programme, learners are encouraged to draw on their knowledge from across their learning in all module sessions, with the aim that they become active in their approach to learning. The final piece of work requires learners to demonstrate their consolidated learning and understanding and involves the application of research, critical thinking and academic writing.
Learning and Teaching Strategies
Learning and teaching strategies for the programme as a whole are balanced and comprehensive, underpinned by the need to provide a supportive and directed framework for learners entering at Level 4 with widely differing experience, familiarity and confidence with prior study, from diverse backgrounds and with a variety of entry qualifications. The programme provides the foundation for consolidated skills development in learner’s future degree programme. The modules are designed to be stimulating, challenging, relevant and useful. The modules enable learners to experience, engage with, and develop a range of key skills necessary for independent learning and effective undergraduate study.
Learning and teaching is characterised by a combination of directive, structured, supportive and practical strategies, and opportunities. These strategies aim to ensure that learners are supported in their learning whilst also developing skills, knowledge and confidence as independent learners as appropriate for future HE study. Learning and teaching strategies aim to make effective use of social integration, group and project work to build confidence and support a community of learning.
Delivery is directed and guided, being designed to meet the needs and experience of learners who may not yet be ready to work with the full confidence and levels of autonomy normally expected at Level 4. Delivery of modules will therefore be through directive and interactive sessions, seminars and tutorials. Group work and workshop methods are also utilised. Learning will be additionally supported through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), and independent study.
The Foundation Year has a strong tutorial element, both group and personal tutoring. Typically, there are normally 6 scheduled learning hours per week, of which, 2-3 hours per week of ‘learnerled, tutor-facilitated’ sessions take place each week. Weekly study tutorials allow learners to discuss their formative tasks, assessed work, all feedback, key readings and issues raised in sessions with peers and tutors. Dialogic approaches enable learners to work on skills and areas of understanding in a supportive peer environment but also familiarises them with the processes of discussion and debate. The incorporation of group work also encourages learners to develop positive and supportive working relationships within the cohort.
Teaching and learning strategies have been selected to compliment the concepts being delivered, for example, digital skills workshops and library based research tasks, discussion, debate, writing and speaking to a range of specialist and non-specialist audiences. The Foundation Year is intended to develop a strong learning community amongst the cohort but also to create a sense of institutional identity and a growing sense of subject community. The programme seeks to engender a sense of individual learner’s ‘belief in self’ and also belief that they are academic, with a true entitlement to be members of a HE community of learners.
Throughout the year, learners work with their tutor to set and review personal targets so that they can clearly track their development across the year and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the level at which they will be required to work at on entry to their degree studies.
The Student Engagement Facilitator in the Centre for Enhancement in Learning and Teaching (CELT) will work closely with the Foundation Year learners to ensure they are engendered as members of the Bishop Grosseteste University community. Collectively, the modules support all of Bishop Grosseteste University’s Graduate Attributes and embed transferrable skills for employability.
The Foundation Year equips learners with the necessary skills to be autonomous and effective HE learners. Skills developed during the Foundation Year programme will be utilised and consolidated throughout undergraduate study and beyond, be that further study and/or employment.
Assessment Strategies
The Foundation Year programme offers learners opportunities to experience a range of formative and summative assessments. These include, short-form writing, annotated bibliography, presentations, micro-teach, use of digital technologies, reflective journal and academic essay.
Assessment strategies are designed to be supportive, build confidence and also aim to ensure learners develop the core skills required for successful study in Higher Education (HE). Assessment strategies deployed across the Foundation Year are balanced, comprehensive, diverse and inclusive, ensuring that learners experience a range of assessment formats to assess attainment of intended learning outcomes but also to provide supportive preparation for undergraduate study.
All modules employ early, small and frequent formative, as well as summative assessment, to ensure that learners gain confidence in their knowledge and abilities as they progress through the Foundation Year. Learners will also have opportunity for self-evaluation and reflection on their own learning progress and development of skills.
Formative feedback is an integral part of the Foundation Year programme. Learners receive feedback on plans and draft materials before final summative assessment submission, and have the opportunity to discuss the comments made in more detail with their tutor and peers to enable them to take responsibility for their learning and improvement. Feedback addresses key writing skills (including spelling, grammar and punctuation) as well as more advanced skills such as the structuring of arguments, summary of key concepts and demonstration of subject knowledge. There is also a focus on helping learners to gain an understanding of scholarly activity and the importance of accurate referencing, which will feed forward into their degree studies. Opportunities for verbal feedback and peer review are provided by interactive seminars and tutorials. Learners continue to reflect on their own performance and progression throughout the Foundation Year. Summative feedback is provided for all assessed pieces of work, and the comprehensive combination of formative and summative feedback will allow learners to reflect on their progress, strengths and areas for improvement, and forms the basis for self-reflective and tutor-directed target setting.
The feedback cycle provides a strong sense of coherence and continuity of development within the course. Tutorial group sessions provide a focal point for learners to discuss their learning and track their acquisition of knowledge and study skills. The final module culminates in an academic writing project which provides learners the opportunity to demonstrate all of their Foundation Year learning and to receive the final detailed summative feedback they can utilise as they progress on to their continuing programme of undergraduate degree study.
Learners are assessed predominantly through coursework. Each module has an assessment portfolio that contains two or three tasks. This will include extensive use of portfolio-based assessment, in which learners assemble evidence of key tasks, often including reflection and critical review of their progress, strengths and weaknesses.
There are no formal examinations in the Foundation Year. This is in order to build learner confidence and ensure that learners are provided with supportive entry at Level 4. In general, the undergraduate curriculum at Bishop Grosseteste University makes limited use of formal examinations, although they are more common in social science subjects such as Psychology. Appropriate exam preparation is included in the relevant degree programmes as needed once learners progress from the Foundation Year.
Programme Specific Admission Requirements
There is no formal requirement for UCAS points to join the Foundation Year although normally GCSE English or equivalent is desirable. Applicants will be interviewed to ascertain their suitability for the Foundation Year. This may be undertaken by Skype or telephone where required.
The Foundation Year syllabus does not include any specific element of upskilling in English language. Entrants must be able to demonstrate a minimum level of competence in English language.
There is no provision for Accreditation of Prior Learning in respect of the Foundation Year.
Applicants will select, at the time of application, the articulated degree programme that they wish to follow. The suitability of the selected, articulated degree programme will be assessed separately.
Bishop Grosseteste University has a responsibility to make applicants aware that certain degree programmes have subject-specific entry criteria which will still apply, and must be met before the commencement of the undergraduate degree programme to enable direct progression. For example, the requirement for GCSE mathematics for BA (Hons) Psychology or enhanced DBS for BA (Hons) Education Studies.
International applicants are not eligible to apply to the Foundation Year.
Programme Specific Management Arrangements
The Head of the Centre for Enhancement in Learning and Teaching (CELT) is the Programme Leader for the Foundation Year programme. The programme will be taught by the CELT team who are experienced academics and/or practitioners in the areas of lifelong learning, transition into higher education, learning development and digital learning.
Staff Responsibilities
current CELT team is a close match to the module content. Leadership of modules will be designated to those with particular interests and research-informed understandings to support the various modules. Staff on the programme will be allocated to learners as personal tutors. In addition, an academic ‘subject liaison tutor’, for each subject, will be a subject-specific point of contact for individual learners. The subject liaison tutor will provide advice regards the subject taster-sessions and also provide subject-context and mentoring support for learners as appropriate. Academic staff from subject discipline areas will engage with
Foundation Year learners during their studies by welcoming them to attend subject-taster sessions of the existing, validated undergraduate degree programme, Level 4. This enables Foundation Year learners to experience subject-specific ‘tasters’, typically of 8 hours, as part of module FDY007: Reflective Learning.
Programme Specific Academic Student Support
Programme Specific Support
Close engagement with the wider professional services as part of the learner experience will be embedded within each module of the Foundation Year programme. The CELT team, specifically Learning Development and Digital Learning, will support academic literacies, digital capabilities, and work towards assessments. In addition, IT will lead sessions to ensure basic digital literacies and the Library liaison team will support information literacies. BG Futures will support career aspiration and development. The Student Advice team will support wellbeing and, alongside CELT, will seek to develop the resilience and growth mindset of the Foundation Year learners. Learners will have an allocated personal tutor as part of Bishop Grosseteste University’s Personal Development Plan (PDP). The PDP is monitored via the Development and Career Plan (DCP) process including the development of the learner’s eportfolio.
Programme Specific Student Evaluation
The Foundation Year programme complies with current institutional evaluation policies and annual monitoring.
The programme team are committed to ensuring a positive learner experience and working in partnership with learners to feed forward and enhance the learner experience at both modular and programme level. Learner engagement and evaluation is considered on all aspects of the programme both formally through University processes and informally through the personal tutor structures. The Student Engagement Facilitator in CELT will work closely with the Foundation Year learners to ensure they are engaged participants in the evaluation process.
Through the Students’ Union Representative Feedback System (RFS) and the involvement of CELT’s Student Engagement Facilitator, a formal procedure will be established to enable learners to contribute to the enhancement of the Foundation Year programme through their elected ‘Student Representative’.
In addition, the CELT team will run twice yearly ‘Foundation Year forums’ to act as an open opportunity for discussion of student representative feedback, as well as feeding forward news and enhancements to the programme. Actions will be minuted and channeled through relevant boards, committees and quality assurance processes
Award: Bishop Grosseteste University
Course Id: BSCHSC01F20
Location: campus
Awarding body: Bishop Grosseteste University
Credit Value: Foundation Year: Non-award bearing Health and Social Care: Undergraduate
Course Structure: .
Accreditation: BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care
Accreditation No. (QAN): .
Duration: Full-Time 4 years
Academic year: 2024-25
Mode of Study: Foundation Year: Full-Time: face-to-face, blended Health and Social Care: Full time
Language of study: English
Course Fees*: For Foundation year: £7500 and For Year 1 -Year 3: £9000/per year
Timetables: Day, Evening and Weekend
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